Monday, December 7, 2015

Almighty Mission in Victoria Pangasinan

August 23, 2015 - Mission at Victoria, Pangasinan: Two (2) Birds in One Stone - the Enriquez Family.

As per invitation of Melegrito family, we once visited them on August 23, 2015, Sunday. We left Manila 4:00 a.m. We were 9 in all, namely: spouses Judith & Joey, Roger, Argen, Mae & daughter Mara, Roslyn, Woodrow & me.

We had testimonies of the group so as our host husband and wife, Junior and Jennylin Melegrito. They shared that sometimes they have misunderstanding due to most of Junior's time is devoted in playing CoC in computer, and also sometimes Jennylin is playing bingo with the neighbors.

We adviced them that such waste of time and gambling is not pleasing to the eyes of our Almighty Father.

Roslyn shared to them her experience wherein she had misunderstanding always with her husband due to the CoC game, until their daughter had sore eyes, her husband got sick and she herself had sore eyes wherein both her eyes swelled and was so painful. Thus, she and her husband eventually stopped playing and erased the CoC program in their celfones.

Spouses Judith and Joey also shared that Joey's sickness was not totally healed until he disposed all his fighting cocks. Instead of taking good care of those cocks, they peddled soaps and rugs and shared the Almighty Father to whoever they met. Thus, the Almighty Father blessed them with a stable source of income. As a gratitude to all the blessings they are enjoying now, the more they serve the Father and share their blessings for the mission and the needy.

We gave Bible to spouses Junior and Jennylin wherein they could spend their time studying and sharing it instead of gambling; and also another copy to Bro. Miguel who is very willing to preach the words of God. He left being a pastor because he disagree with the money-making preaching.


We rode a tricycle on our way to the Melegrito's residence. Roslyn who was riding at the back of the motorcycle is telling the driver that we are missionaries and we are visiting a sick man. She asked the driver if he knows someone who is sick and willing to be healed by the Almighty Father.

The driver, Ernie Enriquez, presented that his parents have both ailments and his father has cathetir. So we agreed that he should fetch us at 1:00p.m. and bring us to the residence of his parents.

Ernie was on time. We reached his parents' place and luckily all his 2 sisters and 1 brother were there also except for the eldest brother. Mr. Enriquez is very thin and pale with his catheter, while his mother is quite heavy but with pain on her knees.

We shared the messages of Our Almighty Father to them wherein we will all be tested in the following: problem, hardship, sickness and danger or accident. Also we shared that as a proof of our full trust to our Almighty Father who would heal us for nothing is impossible to Him, we are not taking any medicine.

The eldest son who was on their house was not at ease. So he went to his parents' house thus the whole family is complete.

We shared a lot of our Fathers' messages and miracles.

Then they all shared also their problems and concerns. The mother shared that before, she was given power to heal by a spiritista and people got healed and gave her even P5.00 as thanksgiving.

We told her that only the Father has the power to heal and we should give thanks to Him only and it's for free.

The father have only one wish for his 5 children: that they should stop their abuses such as smoking and drinking because he wanted them to live a longer life for their children. Also, he wanted his wife to stop smoking also and talk in a soft caring voice, which all the children and wife promised to do so. Mr. Enriquez promised to stop all his medications and have his catheter removed.

Each one talked and asked forgiveness among each other! They also promised to do mission for the Almighty Father.

Cecilia P. Kwan


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