Sunday, February 28, 2016

Almighty Mission in Victoria Pangasinan

December 18, 2015 - mission in Victoria, Pangasinan

Melegrito family - Mr. Bayani, Sr. reasoned out that he doesn't run from any fight but was finally convinced that it is not good and it is better to calm down, ask forgiveness and be humble.

Bayani Jr. could walk again if he would help himself. Instead of sitting whole day in his wheelchair, he should strive to move his feet and walk so that Our Father who sees him would help him walk again.

But if he won't help himself and just be contented by sitting whole day and night in wheelchair, God would not also help him for he is contented and has accepted his situation.

Don't love your sickness, instead encounter your sickness, don't mind it, live normally and propagate God our Father and strive to get healed with the Almighty Father's mercy; you'll be surprised that one day you're healed.

Two women saw that Jet is Jesus Christ!

Alcantara family - A widow with four female children is worried with her youngest daughter, a special child due to so many medications since an infant, is suffering of stomachache. They went to a doctor where she is adviced to undergo several laboratory tests so she could be operated but her mother did not submit. They refused the tests and went home.

The daughter has bloated tummy and could not fart nor burp that caused her stomachache. They were adviced to pray, ask for forgiveness and take herbal plants. She was instructed to lay down on her stomach to let the air come out from her tummy. She began burping and was relieved.

God punishes us thru our loved ones if we indulge on some bad business which brings people to commit sin.

Even if Roger Navara, a retired chief security guard who is from Janiway, Iloilo, a weak sick man who is just lying on his stretcher, still he could crack some jokes which made us laugh.

He has bracelets in his legs and arm made of packing tape which has something inside which according to him is an Ilocano anting-anting. He was adviced by Jet that amulets would not heal him. Instead he should confess all his sins to Our Father and ask for forgiveness and won't sin again. And if he gets healed, he should do mission for Our Father by propagating His words, just like what Jesus did when he was alive.

He promised to do mission once healed.

Enriquez family - Mrs. Enriquez admitted that when we dropped by their house in the morning, she saw that Jet was an old man like God the Father, but now he is a young man.

Jet told Mr. & Mrs. Enriquez are nearing the finishing line and Mr. Enriquez will go ahead. But he would be leaving happily for their children have changed for good and accepted God the Father.

Danilo & Ernie Enriquez are blessed to lead the misssion in Tarlac and do what Jet is doing. They will be blessed to heal the sick by just laying their hands and propagating the words of God which the Father would whisper to them. Their lives would be blessed even their material needs. They will be praised, honored and respected by people due to their good deeds. Most especially, someday they could come home to the Father!

If people in Metro Manila would not stop sinning, the Almighty Father will allow the 9.8 intensity for 3 minutes to hit and destroy the metropolis! This will happen soon!

Sister Cecilia P. Kwan


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